10 Tage Freischwimmen 2024

Never too old to be young?

Diskussionspanel um die Zukunft nachhaltiger Künstler*innenförderung

In the English-speaking world, there is the term "emerging artists". In German, we often make do with the misleading term "Nachwuchskünstler*innen". How old can you be to establish yourself as an artist in the German-speaking world?

This discussion event is about the future of sustainable support for artists far removed from age limits on the path to professionalisation and international visibility: How can collectives, groups and individual artists who have already taken the first steps in their careers make the next leap into supra-regional networking? And what funding tools, production structures and networks are actually needed for this?

With selected guests, the panel brings together voices from politics and cultural institutions, scientists and academic positions, as well as artists with expertise in their own artistic practice.

The speakers are: Benjamin Hoesch (theatre maker and theatre scholar, PhD on the topic of promoting young talent as a legitimation strategy of cultural institutions), Anne Fleckstein (Director of Akademie Schloss Solitude), Johanna Yasirra-Kluhs (freelance curator, dramaturge and artistic consultant) and Marc Gegenfurtner (Head of the Cultural Office of the City of Stuttgart).

The discussion will be moderated by Bastian Sistig, artistic director of the festival and co-director of RAMPE.


Never too old to be young? // Diskussionspanel Künstler*innen-Förderung

Datum: Samstag 04.05.2024Uhrzeit: 15:00 UhrOrt: FITZ Stuttgart, Saal