
by Milo Rau (Gent)

In 2007 in Calais, a whole family hanged themselves: the parents and their two children. Never a motive was found, the suicide note stated: “We messed up, sorry.”
What reasons, what traumas underlie such a suicide? In ‘Familie’, the first part of Milo Rau's Trilogy of Private Life, we see a real family on stage: actors An Miller and Filip Peeters do not only act together as a couple, but for the first time in their career they are on stage with their two teenage daughters Leonce and Louisa – and their dogs.
‘Familie’ is an experiment, an ethnological study of today’s private life, an exhibition of the everyday: on stage we see the house of the family Demeester – or is it the house of the family Peeters/Miller? Together they reconstruct the mysterious case of the family Demesteer, following the journey of their own family, questioning the construction of family as the cell of life and origin of our world today.
mit An Miller, Filip Peeters, Leonce Peeters, Louisa Peeters
Direction: Milo Rau
Dramaturgy & research: Carmen Hornbostel
Assistance dramaturgy: Eline Banken
Coach: Peter Seynaeve
Light design: Dennis Diels
Set & costume design: Anton Lukas, Louisa Peeters
Musical arrangement: Saskia Venegas Aernouts
Production: NTGent
Coproduction: Romaeuropa Festival, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), Théâtre de Liège, Schauspiel Stuttgart, Scène Nationale d'Albi
More informations about the artist here.
with support of Tax Shelter maatregel van de Belgische Federale Overheid
There are subtitles in German and English.
Datum: Dienstag 30.04.2024Uhrzeit: 19:30 UhrOrt: Schauspiel Stuttgart